God calls us to care for creation

As Lutherans, God calls us to care for others and for all of God's creation.  The SJLC Green Team works  hand-in-hand with the congregation.  "Our vision is to inspire and inform the minds, hearts, and hands of St. John Lutheran Church with opportunities to exercise our environmental stewardship.”

The Green Team’s goals are to:

  1. Educate our church community about the importance of nurturing and preserving God’s creation.
  2. Develop practices to protect God’s creation and ensure a healthy environment for all people.
  3. Serve our community with programs and opportunities that support these goals.

Bringing about Change

Celebrating What We've Accomplished / Planning for the Future

Minutes - September 2024

Minutes - August 2024

Minutes - May 15, 2024

Earth Care (cleanup days)!

Energy Conservation (LED lighting makeover)!

Get Involved

If you have a passion for nature and our environment, please consider supporting the work of the SJLC Green Team!

Green Team Members offer stewardship of creation in multiple ways that reflect the individual’s call and talent, gifts, and graces. Maybe you want to help initiate efforts to reduce, reuse, or recycle; maybe you would prefer to be an energy steward helping our church to increase energy efficiency and reduce energy costs. Does gardening or working with plants and trees sound more like you? Maybe you would simply like to be in a community with like-minded individuals and can offer prayer and presence. These are just a few of the ways to participate as a member of the Green Team.