How old does my child need to be?

St John Preschool & Childcare Center is open to children ages 3 - 5 years old during the academic year and ages 3 – 8 during our Summer Childcare Program.

For preschool, age requirements are as follows: 

  • For our TTH preschool classes and MWF AM class, children must be 3 by September 15 and fully potty trained upon entering our program. 
  • For our MWF PM class for 4/5-year-olds and our M-F classes for 4/5-year-olds, children must be 4 by September 15 or 5 years of age. 
  • For childcare, your child must be at least 3 years old and fully potty-trained to be in our childcare program.

How often does preschool meet?

2, 3, or 5 days per week depending on the class. The preschool is split into two age groups: 

  • Children ages three years old, planning to attend kindergarten in 2-3 years, can meet two or three times per week -- on Tuesdays and Thursdays, morning or afternoon, or Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning. The TTH classes are capped and the MWF AM class for 3s is capped with an enrollment of 14 children. 
  • Children who are ages four to five years old may meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons, or may choose our Monday through Friday class, mornings or afternoons. Each class for this age group has 20 children.

All morning classes meet from 9:00 to 11:30 and all afternoon classes meet from 1:00 to 3:30.

What do you teach?

How is Faith a part of the program?

We are all learning and growing in our faith. Prayer, discussions, and worship in an age appropriate manner ("Children's Church" twice a month) are ways we help children know that God loves them. Children hear Bible stories and sing Christian songs that are integrated into the regular curriculum. Most importantly, we try to model Jesus’ love each and every day and talk regularly about how to be kind, thoughtful, and generous.

What do you teach the children?

We use The Creative Curriculum as the foundation for our curriculum in both the preschool and childcare. We employ theme-based units in addition to projects and studies that are child-directed and stem from the children’s interests. All units or projects are of high interest to children, some of which include Christmas, Easter, and All About Me. There is an overall emphasis on socialization, independence, interdependence, and problem solving.

Do children learn the alphabet & their numbers?

Children are exposed to pre-reading and pre-math skills in a play-based environment. There are many opportunities to count, sort and match, and discover patterns, as well as exposure to names of letters and numbers within the context of meaningful experiences. We focus on independence, learning how to enter a group of playing children and exit that group, being a problem solver, and a good friend.

Do you have to be a member of St. John?

This preschool and childcare center is open to all who wish a Christian preschool education for their child. You do not need to be a member of St. John Lutheran Church to attend our program.  St. John Preschool & Childcare Center is under the umbrella of the church offering ministry to the community.