Wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome here in the name of Jesus Christ. We celebrate that each person is loved by God. We affirm the gifts of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, and are committed to working for racial equity. Welcome to St. John Lutheran Church!


To be recognized as a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Partner, St. John has committed to the following:

  1. Be open to calling an LGBTQIA+ and Black, Brown, Indigenous, Person of Color (BIPOC) Rostered Leader.  Explanation: A Rostered Leader is any pastor or deacon in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA); this commitment extends to all areas of leadership within the life of your community.
  2. Allow sanctuary/community space to be used for LGBTQIA+ weddings and blessings.
  3. Make a meaningful contribution annually to support the national RIC program. Explanation: A meaningful contribution is determined by your faith community, its budget, and the understanding that your generosity funds the RIC Program. Meaningful contributions vary for each RIC partner.  St. John currently contributes financially to other ministry partners, often in amounts that vary between $500 and $1000, annually. 
  • Questions & Answers

    RIC Questions & Answers

    In response to the feedback we received from the survey, the Reconciling in Christ team created an FAQ to address your questions.  If you have any further questions please contact a member of the RIC team."

  • Video: Warren Jennings


    In this video, Warren shares his thoughts on the Reconciling in Christ process.

  • Video: Liz Ebensberger

    To View

    In this video, Liz Ebensberger shares why it was important to her for St. John to go through the RIC discernment process.

  • Video: why St. John needs a Welcome Statement for lgbtq+ individuals

    To View

    In this video, Scott Wirtz shares why he feels it important that St. John has a statement specifically welcoming LGBTQ+ individuals.

  • Video:  Responding to All God's Children with Love

    To View

    In this video, Barb Feuerhak shares her reason for joining the RIC Team and supporting the RIC process.

  • VIDEO:  Why do I support St. John having a RIC Welcome Statement?

    To VIEW

    In this video, Eric Jennings answers one of the questions submitted to our RIC team through the Q&A box.

  • Video:  Why are we singling out lgbtqia+ in this way?

    To View

    In this video, Gary & Marlene Sheetz answers one of the questions submitted to our RIC team through the Q&A box.

  • VIDEO:  Why Are We Singling Out one Group

    In this video, Pastor Brian answers one of the questions submitted to our RIC team through the Q&A box.  

  • Book:  Reconciling Scripture for Lutherans

    This resource offers a short commentary which takes into account biblical integrity and knowledge, key Lutheran interpretative lenses, and the diverse experiences of the LGBTQIA+ community. This commentary addresses eight of the so-called “clobber passages” used to exclude LGBTQIA+ people from the body of Christ, and finishes with eight Bible passages that offer inclusive and expansive understandings of the nature of God’s welcome.

    To Purchase

  • Reconciling Works states: we often hear people with good intentions feel they aren't able to ask questions about what it means to be LGBTQIA+ because they are afraid of offending someone or they don't have the right words with which to ask. If this sounds familiar, or if your faith community is interested in how to better support LGBTQIA+ Lutherans, then the "Clunky Questions" series is for you.

    Go to Videos

  • Website:  QueerGrace

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    Queer Grace is a curated encyclopedia of information and ideas around the life of LGBTQIA+ people and Christian faith. The writers hope to offer a safe space full of resources for all those navigating their journey in the church.

  • List Item

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this text area, you will see the filler text disappear.

Reconciling in Christ Core Team

Following the RIC vote in May 2024, a new group of St. John members began their work as our Reconciling in Christ Team to begin the effort of exploring the possibility of our congregation extending specific hospitality and  broader welcome to our friends and neighbors that identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community.  We give thanks to these individuals for the work they are doing.

Be in contact with a member of the team for more information.